Friday 23 September 2011

The Assignment Brief - First Reaction

The first part of the assignment brief is to build your own face. This is going to be achieved through a series of online tutorials. Personally I feel that learning through online tutorials is the best way for me to work. I find it far easier to have something explained to me visually than to read about it and then take the task on. I am looking forward to building my own face and aquiring a new skill in 3D Max.

The second part of the assignment is to produce an animation with Guildhall as the subject. This is to be completed in teams. Working in groups over the past few years has not always worked as well as it should have so I am hoping the members I work with will be wanting to achieve the best result that they can. I like the idea that we have a subject to focus on which has so much history, this will give depth and meaning to the animation we produce.